
Robinson, Robert
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl 1674; bur Dec 6, 1706). English painter and engraver. He may have been a son and pupil of the obscure John Robinson who is recorded in the minutes of the Painter-Stainers Company between 1668 and 1671. Robert is first recorded in these same minutes in 1674, when he was made a Freeman of his Livery ‘by redemption’—a process that suggests he was already advanced in his career. He became an apprentice-master of some standing and between 1675 and 1699 trained his own son and eight others, including the French portrait painter Charles d’Agar (1669–1723). The little of Robinson’s work that survives indicates that he was a vigorous and highly inventive painter, albeit one whose achievement in creativity outclasses his abilities as a draughtsman and technician. Robinson’s principal surviving work is the extraordinary painted room created for a house at 5 Botolph Street in the City of London and removed to Sir John Cass School, Aldgate, London, in ...