
Palma, Jacopo
Document Type
Reference Entry
Benezit Dictionary of Artists, 2011, ill.
Italian, 16th – 17th century, male. Born 1544, in Venice; died 1628, in Venice. Painter, draughtsman. History painting, religious subjects, mythological subjects, portraits. Venetian School. Jacopo Palma was the son and pupil of Antonio Palma and the great-nephew of Palma il Vecchio. He was related through his mother to Bonifacio de' Pitati. At the age of 12 he was sent to the Duke of Urbino where he worked on the compositions of P. Caldara. After spending eight years in Rome, he returned to Venice around 1568 and was active in the workshop of Titian who was elderly by that time. He was attentive to the art of Tintoretto. He rapidly established a reputation and held his own with Caliari and Tintoretto. After the death of these two masters he seems to have been less engrossed in his art and his last works are inferior to his early output. He was nonetheless a master of great merit who is to be ranked among the Venetians. He worked on the Doge's palace after the fire in 1577, in particular on the decoration of the cycle in the Sala del Gran Consiglio (great council hall) in collaboration with Bassano, Zuccaro and Veronese. In the Venetian churches of S Francesco della Vigna, the Friari church and the Oratorio dei Crociferi some of his other works are to be found in which his spirited Mannerist tendencies prevail....