
Knieper [Knipper], Hans
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
[Hans Maler] (d Nov 2, 1587). Dutch painter and tapestry designer, active in Denmark. From 1577 he worked in Helsingør designing cartoons for a series of 43 tapestries, commissioned by Frederick II for the banqueting hall at Kronborg, representing 12 scenes from the Old Testament and 111 Danish kings. A canopy (1585; Stockholm, Nmus.) that hung over the King and Queen’s table shows their joint coat of arms and Temperance, Justice and Fortitude in gold and silk thread. After the death in 1578 of the tapestry-weaver Antonious de Gorth, Knieper took charge of the project. The tapestries showing the Danish kings were of identical composition: a king placed centrally against a landscape background, with an ornamented text in German above and the royal insignia below. One of the 15 surviving tapestries shows Frederick II with his son Prince Christian (later Christian IV) in front of the castles of Kronborg, Helsingør and Frederiksborg (Copenhagen, Nmus.). Knieper was also a portrait painter, and his ...