
Waldeck, Johann Friedrich (Maximilian), Graf von
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
[Jean Frédéric Waldeck, Comte de] (b Prague, Mar 17, 1766; d Paris, Apr 30, 1875). French painter and printmaker of German-Bohemian origin, active in Mexico. After studying in Paris under Jacques-Louis David, Pierre-Paul Prud’hon, and Joseph-Marie Vien, he traveled to Chile and then to Mexico, where he was employed by an English mining company in Tlalpujahua to draw machinery to be used in extracting minerals. His first contact with the world of Pre-Columbian objects occurred before he departed from London and was in collaboration with Antonio del Rio, whose drawings Waldeck produced as lithographs in 1822 under the title Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City Discovered near Palenque. Upon disembarking in Puerto de Tampico, Waldeck began keeping track of his expenses and places he visited in his diary, while taking time to draw the women who captured his attention. When he arrived in Tlapujahua, his tools had not arrived yet and he met foreigners like the Englishman William Bullock, who was interested in the region’s Pre-Columbian past. He then contacted the director of the National Museum who granted him free access to the collection and allowed him to borrow objects to draw. This collaboration resulted in the publication ...