
Evangelista di Pian di Meleto
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(b Pian de Meleto, nr Urbino, c. 1460; d Urbino, Jan 18, 1549). Italian painter. He is first documented in 1483 as a ‘pupil of Giovanni Santi of Urbino’, and he later worked for Timoteo Viti. He received commissions for chalices, candelabra, epitaphs and other similar work (untraced), sharing the more prestigious commissions with other artists. For example, he was named with Ottaviano Prassede (c. 1480–c. 1537) in connection with the decoration of the chapel of the Holy Sacrament in Urbino Cathedral (in situ) and as Raphael’s assistant in executing the altarpiece of St Nicholas of Tolentino (1501; Paris, Louvre; Naples, Capodimonte; Brescia, Pin. Civ. Tosio–Martinengo) for the church of S Agostino in Città di Castello, commissioned in 1500. Although some works formerly accredited to Evangelista are now indisputably attributed to Giovanni Santi, he is still attributed with an oil-on-panel Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints and frescoes depicting Christ Crucified between SS Lawrence, Roch and Sebastian...