
Pre-Columbian South America: Museums, exhibitions, and collections
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Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2023
Pre-Columbian South America: Museums, exhibitions, and collections
See also Pre-Columbian South America Comparatively few accounts exist of South American antiquities sent to Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries (see Pre-Columbian Mesomerica: Museums, exhibitions, and collections). Objects of silver and gold were melted down into ingots for ease of transport and trade; works in stone, ceramic, and wood were destroyed as vestiges of idolatry. Some finely woven textiles, ornaments, and other objects were sent to Spain and recorded in inventories, but most were lost to the vagaries of palace fires or neglect. By the 18th century, however, the importation of antiquities from South America became more systematic, and Spanish monarchs and their administrators established extensive collections of South American antiquities, particularly from the Central Andes. In 1765 the Viceroy of Peru sent 7 Inka keros (drinking cups) and 263 Moche and Chimu pots from Peru for King Charles III’s Gabinete de Historia Natural, founded in ...