
Document Type
Reference Entry
Tunca, Önhan, author; Uphill, E. P., author; Jameson, Rob, author; Roux, Georges, author; Sear, F. B., author; Hardy, Adam, author; Zeymal’, Ye. V., author; Sørensen, Henrik H., author; Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman, author; Kyung-Ho, Chang, author; Coats, Bruce A., author; Loten, H. Stanley, author; McLeod, Madeline, author; Bancroft-Hunt, Norman, author
Oxford Art Online, 2003, ill.
Building or site conceived as the dwelling of a deity, whose presence is represented by a holy symbol. The word derives from the Greek word temenos, meaning ‘an enclosure’. In Latin the word templum originally denoted a place marked out for augury by the augur with his staff but later came to mean an area sacred to a particular deity and was also used for a large and elaborate structure dedicated to one or more deities. Temples have played and have continued to play a significant role in most religions, and the architecture of the temples of the ancient world, and of Hindu and Buddhist temples, relate to a complex cosmology. Islamic mosques, however, are built for prayer rather than as the abode of the divinity and are therefore not considered as temples. As the temple is usually considered to provide for private rather than congregational worship, Christian churches are also not usually referred to as temples, although ...