
Santi, Andriolo de’
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl 1342; d before Nov 25, 1375). Italian sculptor and architect. He is first documented on 7 November 1342 while working on the portal of S Lorenzo in Vicenza. He was master mason of this Franciscan commission, carried out between 1 August 1342 and 4 January 1345, and received the highest salary for the execution of two portals, despite the fact that he spent most of his time in Venice (as recorded on 1 Nov 1344). The side portal was destroyed, but the main portal, forming part of the first major Franciscan façade, survives. For the first time in the Veneto a devotional image was placed on a church portal: the Virgin and Child with SS Francis and Lawrence and the Donor Pietro da Marano (d before 27 Sept 1342). Andriolo and his workshop carved a number of important sculptural monuments, most significantly that of Giacomo II da Carrara (d 21 Dec 1350...