
Jean de Valenciennes
Document Type
Reference Entry
Steyaert, J., author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
[van Valenchine] (fl Bruges, 1379–86). Netherlandish sculptor. He is cited in 1379 at the head of a team of (unnamed) sculptors in charge of the decoration of Bruges Town Hall, the construction of which was begun in 1376; it is assumed that this work involved the sculpture of the façade, consisting of a series of life-size statues of counts of Flanders and religious figures (destr. 1792), supported on historiated consoles. In 1383 the artist was paid for the vault decoration in the chapel of the ducal residence (Prinsenhof) in Bruges. He was last mentioned in 1385–6, when he was contracted to execute bosses, foliage and rosette ornaments for the wooden vault of the Aldermen’s Room in the Town Hall. He probably either died or left the city soon after this date. It is generally agreed that 14 figural consoles from the Town Hall façade (now kept inside the building), known to have been in place by ...