
Hal, Notre-Dame-de-
Document Type
Reference Entry
Steyaert, J., author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Hal, Notre-Dame-de-
Pilgrimage church near Brussels, Belgium. It was constructed between 1341 and 1409, preserving one of the most important ensembles of later Gothic sculpture in the Netherlands. Statues of the Virgin surmount each of the principal entrances to the church: the finest are the elegant Virgin accompanied by music-making angels (c. 1380) in the south-west porch portal and the slightly later Virgin of the north entrance (c. 1400), both carved by Tournai sculptors working in the manner of André Beauneveu. The statues of the Magi (c. 1380) in the south-west portal are in a similar style and by an outstanding sculptor, possibly from Brussels. The sculptural decoration of the west tower, nave and adjoining Virgin chapel, completed in several campaigns, provides an excellent guide to the development of 14th-century Brabantine small-scale sculpture, extending from the regional style in the expressive bust corbels of the tower vault (...