
Pietro di Galeotto
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(di Ercolano) (b Perugia, c. 1450; d Perugia, May 1483). Italian painter. He is first documented in 1476, when he was commissioned to paint an altarpiece (untraced) for S Corona, Vicenza. He enrolled in the painters’ guild of Perugia in 1479, the year he undertook to paint an altarpiece for the Palazzo dei Priori there; the commission was later executed by Pietro Perugino. A banner of the Flagellation (Perugia, oratory of S Francesco), documented in 1480, is the only work securely attributed to Pietro. It shows an original style, reflecting the influence of Piero della Francesca, and also that of Flemish and Ferrarese painters, and also perhaps that of artists from the Alto Adige, such as Hans Multscher and Michael Pacher. The marble pavement and the landscape are reminiscent of the small panels showing the Miracles of St Bernardino (1473), now in the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, Perugia, to which some critics believe Pietro contributed. He was working on the lunette fresco of the ...