
Machiavelli, Zanobi
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(di Jacopo di Piero) (b 1418–19; d Pisa, March 7, 1479). Italian painter. His birth date is calculated from his 1457 catasto (land registry declaration) in which he gave his age as 39. In neither this declaration nor that for 1469 does he mention his occupation. He was formerly confused with a painter named Zanobi who in 1453 entered into a three-year partnership with Piero di Lorenzo di Pratese di Bartolo Zuccheri (1413–87) and Pesellino, but that painter’s name was Zanobi di Migliore. However, Zanobi Machiavelli’s documented works do show the influence of Pesellino. Vasari stated that Zanobi was a pupil of Benozzo Gozzoli. This is undocumented, but Zanobi may have assisted Gozzoli in Umbria during the early 1450s. He appears to have worked mainly outside Florence and the only mention of his workshop in the city is in Benedetto Dei’s Pittori nella città di Firenze (1470). Zanobi is not mentioned in the records of the Arte de’ Medici e Speziali, the Florentine painters’ guild. In Zanobi’s earliest surviving work, a ...