
Lanzani, Andrea
Document Type
Reference Entry
Moro, Franco, author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(b Milan, 1641; d Milan, May 30, 1712). Italian painter. He trained in Milan with Luigi Scaramuccia (Pascoli), and at the Accademia Ambrosiana, under the direction of Antonio Busca, in 1669–70. This academic training, influenced by Guido Reni, is apparent in his Translation of the Body of St Calimero (Milan, Bib. Ambrosiana), which may be dated to 1670, and in the St Peter Walking on the Waves (1670; Milan, S Pietro in Gessate). Lanzani visited Rome in 1675 and in the late 1670s worked at the Certosa di Pavia, where he painted the Holy Women at the Sepulchre and the Resurrection for the first chapel on the right, and paintings for the refectory (Arslan). In 1679 he signed and dated a Death of St Joseph for S Giovanni Battista at Morbegno in Valtellina; there followed St Roch Visiting the Prisoners (1683; Miasino, S Rocco) and in the following year the frescoes and altarpiece in the chapel of S Carlo in the Sanctuary, Rho, and the decoration of the Villa Banfi, Rho. In the mid-1680s Lanzani made a second journey to Rome, and this brought him into contact with the circle of Carlo Maratti and provided him with a new stimulus. The frescoes in the vault of S Cecilia in Como were completed in ...