
François, Maître
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl c. 1460–80). French illuminator. He was one of the leading artists of the school that dominated book illumination in Paris during the second half of the 15th century. His only documented work—and thus the basis for the reconstruction of his oeuvre—is a two-volume French translation of St Augustine’s City of God (c. 1469–73; Paris, Bib. N., MSS fr. 18–19) bearing the arms of Charles de Gaucourt, Governor of Amiens and appointed Lieutenant General of Paris in 1472. Robert Gaguin, a noted scholar and general of the order of the Trinitarians, wrote to de Gaucourt in August 1473: We gave to the excellent painter Franciscus the outlines of the pictures and the schemes of images which you ordered to be painted for the books of the City of God, and he has finished the work as he began it with the most perfect craftsmanship. Indeed, he is such an accomplished artist that Apelles would rightly have taken second place to him....