
Estilo desornamentado
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Estilo desornamentado
[Sp.: ‘stripped or unornamented style’.] Term used to describe a phase in Spanish architecture in the 16th century and the early 17th, which developed in reaction to the excessive decoration of the Plateresque style. Emphasis was placed on the correct use of Classical orders, the composition of masses, walls and spaces and contemporary Italian practice. Estilo desornamentado owed much to the influence of Italian and Portuguese military engineers and to the anti-decorative functionalism of the first Jesuits. Starting in the 1540s, it reached its summit with Juan de Herrera’s work (1563–84) at the Escorial (see Escorial, §2), spreading thereafter throughout almost all of Spain (except Andalusia) and differing from the Portuguese Estilo chão (‘plain style’) in that it enjoyed less freedom from academic rules and the styles derived from Italy. The term was apparently in use in Spain in the later 19th century; it was subsequently applied by C. Justi (1908...