
Meckenem family
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Meckenem family
German or Netherlandish family of engravers and goldsmiths. They are thought to have originated in Meckenheim near Bonn, but Israhel van Meckenem (the elder) is associated mainly with Bocholt in Westphalia, where Israhel van Meckenem (the younger), presumed to be his son, was active as an engraver. The two artists used an identical housemark or hallmark (a caltrop with a small horizontal cross-stroke) on their engravings, which are similar in style and technique. Israhel van Meckenem (the younger) made several copies of works by Israhel van Meckenem (the elder) and by the so-called Master of the Berlin Passion, with whom Israhel the elder has been identified. Meckenem, Israhel van (the elder) Meckenem, Israhel van (the younger) Hollstein: Dut. & Flem.; Hollstein: Ger.; Thieme–BeckerM. Lehrs: ‘Der deutsche und niederländische Kupferstich des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts in den kleineren Sammlungen’, Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft [prev. pubd as Jb. Kstwiss. [1868–1873]; merged with Jb. Kstwiss. [1923–30] & Z. Bild. Kst to form Z. Kstgesch.]...