
Giovanni da Milano
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003, ill.
[Giovanni da Como] (fl c. 1346–69). Italian painter. He is first recorded on 17 October 1346, listed as Johannes Jacobi de Commo among the foreign painters living in Florence. There follows a gap of at least 12 undocumented years until his inscription as Johannes Jacobi Guidonis de Mediolano with the Arte dei Medici e Speziali between 1358 and 1363. A tax return dated 26 December 1363 declares his ownership of land in Ripoli, Tizzana (nr Prato), and a house in the parish of S Pier Maggiore, Florence. Giovanni’s first signed work, a polyptych (Prato, Pin. Com.), coincides with the renewed period of documentation. It has a terminus ad quem of 1363 since, according to the inscription, it was commissioned by Francesco da Tieri, prior of the Ospedale of Prato from 1334 until his death in 1363. The polyptych shows the Virgin and Child Enthroned (in poor condition) flanked by SS Catherine and Bernard and SS Bartholomew and Barnabas...