
Noguera, Pedro
Document Type
Reference Entry
Fraser, Valerie, author; Herrera, Liliana, contributor
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(de ) (b Barcelona, c. 1590; d Lima, 1655–6). Spanish sculptor and architect, active in Peru. He was trained in Seville in the circle of Juan Martínez Montañés and had attained the status of master before emigrating in 1619 to Lima, the vice-regal capital of Peru. In 1623 he won the prestigious contract for the choir-stalls of Lima Cathedral. These occupied him for more than 20 years and constitute his major surviving work. A single tier of seats is set under a deep, crested canopy, and each seat back, framed by Corinthian columns and a broken, curved pediment, is carved with the figure of a saint or a Church father. There are no direct precedents for Noguera’s style: the energy of these figures is closer in spirit to Alonso Berruguete’s choir-stalls (1540s) in Toledo Cathedral than to contemporary work in either Peru or Spain. The overall design was soon copied elsewhere: the stalls in S Francisco in Cuzco, for example, adhere to a very similar format but lack Noguera’s variety. Noguera was appointed Maestro Mayor of Lima Cathedral in ...