
Frei, Hans
Document Type
Reference Entry
Forter, F., author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(b Basle, April 30, 1868; d Basle, March 14, 1947). Swiss medallist, goldsmith and sculptor. He began a three-year engraving apprenticeship at the age of 14 and first worked as an engraver and medallist in Vienna, attending the Goldschmied- und Ciseleurschule while also continuing to study goldsmithing and engraving in Germany. In 1893 he attended classes in sculpture and engraving at the Ecole des Arts Industriels and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Geneva, and in 1894–6 he studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, coming into contact with the medallist Oscar Roty. In 1896–7 he studied sculpture at the Académie Julian in Paris, also undertaking work for jewellery manufacturers in his Paris studio from 1896. He returned to Basle in 1898 and set up on his own, achieving an international reputation. The major part of his output consisted of over 400 medals and plaques commemorating jubilees, festivals, dedications and foundations. The most interesting examples were portrait medals, which he executed in a simple style (e.g. ...