
Antwerp Mannerism
Document Type
Reference Entry
Ewing, Dan, author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Antwerp Mannerism
Style of painting and drawing practised by artists working in Antwerp during the period from c. 1500 to 1530. The term was coined by Max Friedländer in 1915 in his article ‘Die Antwerpener Manieristen von 1520’. In this and subsequent publications (1921, 1933 and 1937) he attempted to bring order into a large body of anonymous Antwerp paintings (and some drawings) that had been gradually gathered under the name of Herri met de Bles, after an Adoration of the Magi (Munich, Alte Pin.) bearing a false Bles signature. Only a small proportion of these works could be sorted into recognizable hands. The principal anonymous masters identified by Friedländer were Masters, anonymous, and monogrammists, §I, (or Pseudo-Blesius), the author of the Munich painting, the Masters, anonymous, and monogrammists, §I, , the Masters, anonymous, and monogrammists, §I, , the Masters, anonymous, and monogrammists, §I, (for all of whom see Masters, anonymous, and monogrammists, §I...