
Raymond the Lombard
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
[Raimundus Lambardus] (fl 1175). Italian architect, active in Catalonia, Spain. He was cited in a document of 1175 (Seo de Urgel, S Maria, Cartoral vol. i, fol. 250v, no. 862), in which he was contracted by the Bishop of Urgel, Arnau de Perexens (1167–95), to continue work at the cathedral of S Maria in Seo de Urgel. The contract specified that he build the vaults of the church, the stair towers or belfries to a course above the vaults (as at present) and the dome. The architect undertook to finish these works within seven years, and to achieve this he was to hire four other masters from Lombardy. It was also stipulated that on completion of the work in the time agreed, the architect would be given a life pension as Master of Works of the cathedral. This interesting and detailed document, one of the few on the subject surviving from the Romanesque period in Catalonia, is indispensable for understanding the working practices of architects in this country. It also proves that there were Lombard masters in Catalonia towards the end of the 12th century, continuing the tradition that had begun during the previous one. The document was transcribed by Villanueva in ...