
S Maria in Trastevere
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2015
S Maria in Trastevere
(Rome) Roberto Coroneo A house church (titulus) was founded in Trastevere by Pope Calixtus I (reg 218–22), near which Julius I (reg 337–52) founded the Basilica Iulii; this underlies the present church, which is occidented. Virgilio Vespignani’s renewal of the Cosmati pavements from 1865 to 1869 revealed foundations dating from the 4th century to the 9th. The Basilica Iulii had a nave and aisles but no transept; when Adrian I (reg 772–95) restored the church there may already have been three apses in conformity with contemporary churches in Rome. Pope Gregory IV (reg 827–44) built a semi-subterranean crypt, and the apse was rebuilt by Benedict III (reg 855–9). After an earthquake in 1091 the church was completely rebuilt from 1141 by Innocent II (reg 1130–43); the apse mosaics date from 1148. The Baroque side chapels were added from the end of the 16th century, including the Strada Cupa Chapel (...