
Castel del Monte
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Castel del Monte
Castle in Apulia, southern Italy. It stands isolated in an elevated position on the low plateau (the Murge) between Corato and Andria. Its name is derived from that of S Maria del Monte, the church of the nearby Benedictine monastery. Castel del Monte is the only Apulian castle to preserve its original character; it was built ex novo in a single campaign in the mid-13th century as part of Emperor Frederick II’s fortifications in southern Italy and Sicily. Unlike Frederick’s other Apulian castles, but like those in Sicily, Castel del Monte has a rigorously geometrical plan, and its architectural features are derived from north European and Cistercian buildings, although the precise sources are controversial (Cordaro). A document written in Gubbio on 28 January 1240 records that Frederick II appointed Riccardo di Montefuscolo, the giustiziere of the Capitanata, to provide for the pavement (lastricato) of the castle. This passage has been variously interpreted: some believe it refers to building work and take the date ...