
Pisa Cathedral complex
Document Type
Reference Entry
Caleca, Antonia, author; Caruso, Rossella, author; Thomas, Anabel, author
Oxford Art Online, 2003, ill.
Pisa Cathedral complex
The present cathedral, standing on the Piazza del Duomo (also known as the Campo dei Miracoli) in the north-west corner of the city, was originally built in an open space. Other buildings were subsequently built around it: the baptistery, bell-tower, clergy’s house, hospital, and bishop’s palace. Constructed of local island marble, these form a coherent group, displaying a distinctly Pisan style (see also Pisa §I; see fig.). In 1063, when Pisa was emerging in western Europe as a political and military power of great economic and cultural prosperity, it was decided to begin a new cathedral that would take over the name and functions of the preceding church of S Maria. The sack of Palermo in the same year provided further economic resources, at the expense of the Muslims, for the imposing project. Among the promoters of the project was the Lombard bishop ...