
Arnau de la Peña
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl c. Barcelona, 1357–1390). Catalan illuminator. He was responsible for the illumination of the Llibre Vert (Barcelona, Arxiu Mun.), a four-volume compilation of juridical documents commissioned by the Council of Barcelona and datable to the early 1380s. The text was written by the notary Ramón Ferrer in 1345/6. A document (untraced) cited by Gudiol Ricart in Els trecentistes (Barcelona, n.d.) recorded that Arnau de la Peña decorated the first volume of the Llibre Vert in 1380, but the phrasing of the document did not make it clear whether he was responsible for the illumination of initials or for miniatures, which has caused some debate as to the nature of his activities. Evidence for Arnau’s work as a miniaturist is found, however, in documents in the Municipal Archive of Barcelona that attest to payments made to him for both initials and miniatures. In 1357, for example, he was paid for the execution of nine ...