
Tondino di Guerrino
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl Siena, 1322–8). Italian goldsmith. He was the most important goldsmith in Siena in the first half of the 14th century after Guccio di Mannaia, to whom he may possibly have been apprenticed. Despite the fact that many contemporary Sienese translucent enamels have been attributed to Tondino, there is supporting evidence for only three objects. A chalice (London, BM) bears his name and that of an associate, Andrea Riguardi, on its knop. A paten representing the Resurrection in S Domenico, Perugia, is cited in the church’s inventory of 1458 as the mate to a chalice also signed by the two artists. A second paten representing St James with a Pilgrim (Perugia, G.N. Umbria), found in 1954 under the choir-stalls of the church (with the Resurrection paten), probably corresponds to a second paten mentioned in the inventory of 1458, which is also linked to a chalice signed by the two men; conflicting evidence in an earlier inventory of ...