
Glasgow Boys
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Glasgow Boys
Loosely associated group of Scottish artists, active principally in Glasgow in the late 19th century. In 1890 the critics of an exhibition of Scottish painting at the Grosvenor Gallery, London, identified several common traits in the work of those artists associated with Glasgow and gave them the sobriquet ‘Glasgow school’. These artists, none of them over 35 and not all born or living in Glasgow, preferred the more familiar term ‘The Boys’, which did not imply the close stylistic ties and unity of purpose of the term ‘school’. By the end of the 1870s the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh firmly controlled the artistic establishment of Scotland. All Academicians and Associates were expected to live in Edinburgh and the Academy manipulated the artistic taste of Scotland by rejecting all works submitted to its annual exhibitions that did not conform to its own narrow preferences. To many of the younger generation of painters working in Glasgow (those born in the 1850s and 1860s) this situation was unacceptable. They were ambitious both professionally and socially but had no wish to move to Edinburgh or conform to the taste of the Academy. Glasgow was the largest and most prosperous city in Scotland and by ...