
Document Type
Reference Entry
Oxford Art Online, 2003
[It.: ‘platform’, ‘altar-step’; Ger. Sarg; Sp. banco] Term used for a horizontal band, cut from a single plank, below the main panels of an altarpiece (for a discussion of the technical aspects see Panel painting). The appearance of the predella can be seen as part of the development of the altarpiece from a single panel to a large, multi-storey Polyptych. The small figures or scenes painted on the predella formed part of the integrated programme of the altarpiece, providing a visual commentary on the major images above and at the same time raising the main panels, and thus improving their visibility. Various stages in the genesis of the predella can be identified. As early as the Christ in Majesty dossal (1215; Siena, Pin. N.) and Bonaventura Berlinghieri’s St Francis altarpiece (1235; Pescia, S Francesco; see fig.), with its scenes from the Life of St Francis flanking a large central image of the standing saint, experiments were made involving the addition of figures and scenes that were supplementary to the main image of an altarpiece. An interesting point in this progression is represented by the seated ...