
Ahmed Nakşi
Document Type
Reference Entry
Atil, Esin, author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
(fl 1619–22). Ottoman painter and astrologer. Employed as the official timekeeper at the Süleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, he was also the foremost illustrator of historical manuscripts under Sultan Osman II (reg 1618–22). His earliest known work is the series of 49 illustrations he provided for a copy of the Shaqā’iq al-nu ‛māniyya, a biographical dictionary of Ottoman scholars by Taşköp rülüzade Ahmed Efendi (Istanbul, Topkapı Pal. Lib., H. 1263). The manuscript was commissioned in 1619 by the grand vizier Öküz Mehmed Pasha as a gift for the Sultan, and the last scene shows the Grand Vizier presenting the book to the Sultan in the presence of the artist. The illustrations in the Dīvān (collected poems) of the court epic-writer Nadiri (Istanbul, Topkapı Pal. Lib., H. 899), made in c. 1620, can be attributed to Ahmed Nakşi on stylistic grounds, as can those in the same author’s Şâhnâme, an account of Osman II’s campaign against Poland in ...