
Systematic study of the connections between the collinear libration points of a coherent Sun-Earth-Moon restricted four-body model
Document Type
Electronic Resource
Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Matemàtiques i estadística
Celestial mechanics
Solar system
Sun-Earth-Moon system
restricted four-body problem
libration point
invariant manifolds
natural transfers
Mecànica celest
Sistema solar -- Models matemàtics
Sistemes dinàmics diferenciables
Conference report
A new approach is proposed for the systematic detection and refinement of natural connections between the libration points eml1,2 of the Earth-Moon system and sel1,2 of the Sun-Earth system. It makes use of the Quasi-Bicircular Problem, a coherent periodic four-body dynamical model of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. The dynamics about the libration points are described by high-order periodic semi-analytical expansions obtained via the parameterization method. In their domain of convergence, such series directly yield initial conditions about the departure libration point. They also allow to estimate the distance between any state along the trajectories and the set of staging orbits (center manifold) at the targeted libration point. The potential connections can then be located and refined in the parameterization space. The complete orbit-to-orbit transfer trajectories are finally transposed in a higher-fidelity ephemeris model and the accordance between both models is discussed.
Peer Reviewed
Postprint (author's final draft)