
1975: Report - Boston Athenaeum
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Electronic Resource
Boston Athenaeum.
Title varies slightly. Indexes: 1893-1954. 1 v.; 1955-1981. 1 v.; 1982. 1 v.
Report of the Library Committee Baston, December 17, 19 7 5. To THE PROPRIETORs oF THE BosToN ATIIENJEUl\1: HE members of the Library Committee agreed this day to accept the Report of the Director and Librarian which follows and to adopt it as the Report of the Library Com­mittee for the year 197 5. JAMES BARR AMES, Chairman AUGUSTUS PEABODY LORING ALEXANDER WHITESIDE WILLIAMS GEORGE CASPAR ROMANS DANIEL SARGENT JANE NUCKOLS GARRETT FRANCIS J. LALLY • [ 4 ] fevver shares carne to our Bursar's office for resale and I was rather unsuccessful in convincing Proprietors who are not making use of their shares to turn them in for resale. On the other hand, the response to availability of 'Life Membership shares has been good, particularly at the conclusion of 197 5. It is worth repeating that Life Membership shareholders have the same privileges as those of a regular Athenreum share though they cease at the death of the purchaser and are not transferable. In 19 7 5 we had fe,ver librarians and others come and go on the staff. My secretary, Susan J. Hunt, left on September 5 to move to Maine with her husband who had received his law degree from I-Iarvard. Lawrence Cunningham and Peter Blodg­ett, both of them who had been useful and active in our Con­servation Department and elsewhere, left the Athenreum. Charles W. Pierce, Jr., formerly of the staff of the Mugar Li­brary, Boston University, was here for four months on special assignment. I should also acknowledge the services of Stephen Lally, Jeffrey Montague, Anne Boyle, Michael Crawford, Peter Mallary, Vicki Sherry, and Andrew Turesky who were mainly concerned with the completion of the inventory of the collec­tions and the varied details resulting from that undertaking. Bette McElaney moved from the third to the fourth floor, taking oyer the sometimes confusing job of being the Director's secretary. Andremise Alexis and Brenda Lee Phillips took over typing posts in the third floor in the Cataloging Department. Gary Free