
Language and medicine in the Zamenhof family
Document Type
Electronic Resource
Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA; ISSN 1334-4366 (Print); ISSN 1334-6253 (Online); Volume 8; Issue 2
Medicine; Esperanto; Zamenhofs
medicina; esperanto; obitelj Zamenhof
The Zamenhof family is famous for Dr Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof (1859-1917), who created the artificial language Esperanto and who initiated a social movement for peace and against any sort of discrimination. Ludwik was an ophthalmologist. Adam, Leon, Alexander, and Julian Zamenhof were medical doctors and noted surgeons, while Sophia Zamenhof was a paediatrician. Ludwik Zamenhof often referred to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, in which diversity of languages was the punishment for builders who were arrogant and uncaring. With the help of Esperanto, the Zamenhofs metaphorically wanted to overcome the curse of Babel and restore the sense of human unity.
Obitelj Zamenhof znana je po dr. Ludwiku Zamenhof Lejzeru (1859.–1917), tvorcu umjetnog jezika esperanta i pokretaču socijalnog pokreta za mir i protiv svih oblika diskriminacije. Uz Ludwika koji je bio oftalmolog, od Zamanhofovih doktori medicine i poznati kuruzi bili su Adam, Leon, Aleksandar i Julian, dok je Sofija bila pedijatarica. Ideju o novom zajedničkom jeziku Ludwik Zamenhof pronašao je u legendi iz Biblije o graditeljima babilonske kule koji su zbog oholosti i objesti bili kažnjeni tako da su im promijenjeni i pomiješani jezici te se više nisu moglu sporazumijevati. Uz pomoć esperanta, Zamenhof je, dakle, metaforički želio prevladati babilonsko prokletstvo i vratiti osjećaj ljudskog zajedništva.