
Structures of Ni - Ni Nan contacts obtained by the electrode position in the presence of a magnetic field
Document Type
Electronic Resource
Zaštita materijala
electrode position
magnetic field
Nan contact
elektrohemijsko taloženje
magnetno polje
Structures of Ni - Ni Nan contacts obtained by the electrode position at the different cathodic potentials were analyzed. Ni - Ni Nan contacts were electrodeposited from a Watt solution in the presence of coumarone, and the obtained morphologies were examined by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. It was shown that structures of Ni - Ni Nan contacts obtained at potentials of - 1000 and - 1200 mV/SCE consisted of a relatively very large nickel clusters, while the structure of Ni - Ni Nan contact obtained at a potential of - 1300 mV/SCE was a very developed dendrite structure, which was denoted as 3D arboreous-bead-dendritic structure (ABDS).
Strukture Ni - Ni nanokontakata dobijenih elektrohemijskim taloženjem na različitim katodnim potencijalima su bile analizirane. Ni - Ni nanokontakti su taloženi iz Vatovog rastvora sa dodatkom kumarina, i dobijene morfologije su ispitane tehnikom skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Pokazano je da se struktura Ni - Ni nanokontakta dobijenih na potencijalima od - 1000 i - 1200 mV/ZKE sastoji od relativno velikih zrna nikla, dok su Ni - Ni nanokontakti dobijeni na potencijalu od - 1300 mV/ZKE bili veoma razvijene dendritične strukture.

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