
The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater with the death of faire Marriam. According to Iosephus, the learned and famous Iewe. As it hath beene, of late, diuers times publiquely acted (with great applause) at the Red Bull, by the Company of his Maiesties Reuels. Written by Geruase Markham, and William Sampson. Gentlemen.
Document Type
Electronic Resource
Herod -- I, -- King of Judea, 73-4 B.C. -- Drama -- Early works to 1800.
[84] p.
In verse.
The words "Gervase Markham, and William Sampson." are bracketed together on the title page.
Signatures: [A]² B-L⁴.
Running title reads: The true tragœdy of Herod and Antipater.
With a printer's verse epistle signed "Math: Rhodes". Variant (STC 17402) has instead an author's dedication signed: William Sampson.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
(DLPS) A06982.0001.001
(stc) STC 17401
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