
Interview. Ulrike Hanemann
Document Type
Electronic Resource
Artseduca, ISSN 2254-0709, Nº. 23, 2019, pags. 142-147
text (article)
As a Senior Programme Specialist, Dr Hanemann managedthe Literacy and Basic Skills Programme1 of the UNESCO Institutefor Lifelong Learning (UIL) until 2017. UIL is a non-profit, policy-driven, international research, training, information, documentation and publishing centre of UNESCO and in charge of lifelonglearning policy and practice with a focus on adult literacy and adult education, especially for marginalized and disadvantaged groups. Dr Hanemann has worked in research and capacity development in the field of literacy and non-formal and adult education from a perspective of lifelong learning in Africa, Asia, Europe, LatinAmerica and the Arab States. Before joining UNESCO in 2001, she worked for ten years as a lecturer and advisor at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua in pre-service teacher formation and postgraduate programmes. Currently she is carrying out consultancy work for UIL, UNESCO and other agencies in different world regions in the fields of her expertise.