
Choral Concert: Luminous Voices - BALFOUR, A. / BACHMANN, A.M. / BEATCH, S. / BRADEN, C. (Ispiciwin)
Document Type
Antognini, Ivo, Composer; Hawley, Laura, Composer; MacDonald White Bear, Walter, Composer; Balfour, Andrew, Composer; Braden, Carmen, Composer; Beatch, Stuart, Composer; Bachmann, Arthur Marc, Composer; Wadsworth, Zachary, Composer; Sewepagaham, Sherryl, Composer; Bible - Old Testament, Lyricist; Gregorio, Dominic, Lyricist; Elizabeth I (Queen of England), Lyricist; Swetnam, Joseph, Lyricist; Speght, Rachel, Lyricist; Samatar, Sofia, Lyricist; Dowland, John, Lyricist; Carpenter, Edward, Lyricist; Sewepagaham, Bill, Lyricist; Sewepagaham, Emily, Lyricist
Classical Music
Track Details: [untitled] (02 min. 33 sec.) / MacDonald White Bear -- Music Is Vibration (04 min. 44 sec.) / Balfour -- I. — (12 min. 12 sec.) / Balfour -- II. — (05 min. 03 sec.) / Balfour -- III. — (06 min. 35 sec.) / Balfour -- Crooked by Nature (06 min. 15 sec.) / Braden -- Girl Hours (04 min. 55 sec.) / Beatch -- Weepe You No More (05 min. 08 sec.) / Bachmann -- Rise up, my love (03 min. 34 sec.) / Hawley -- I Am the Rose of Sharon (05 min. 13 sec.) / Antognini -- Far, Far Away (06 min. 41 sec.) / Wadsworth -- [untitled 2] (02 min. 56 sec.) / MacDonald White Bear -- Okawîmâw askiy (Mother Earth) (02 min. 59 sec.) / Sewepagaham -- Picikîsksîs Chant (04 min. 01 sec.) / Sewepagaham
Naxos Digital Services electronic collection.
Streaming audio.