
Choral Concert: Salford Cathedral Choir - BROWN, E. / JONES, T. / NIXON, J. / PERINPANAYAGAM, Y. / QUARTEL, S. / RANDALL, G. (Rise Up and Wonder)
Document Type
Weir, Judith, Composer; Hildegard of Bingen, Composer; Daley, Eleanor, Composer; Perinpanayagam, Yshani, Composer; Nixon, June, Composer; Jones, Tasmin, Composer; Brown, Emma, Composer; Quartel, Sarah, Composer; Randall, Gail, Composer; Summers, Amy, Composer; MacDonald, Sarah, Composer; Walker, Lucy, Composer; Martin, Stephanie, Composer; McGlade, Becky, Composer; Blake, William, Lyricist; Bible - Old Testament, Lyricist; Bible - New Testament, Lyricist; Pope Innocent VI, Lyricist; Mass Text, Lyricist
Classical Music
Track Details: Adam Lay Ybounden (01 min. 50 sec.) / Nixon -- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (02 min. 05 sec.) / Jones -- In Bethlehem Above (01 min. 57 sec.) / Perinpanayagam -- Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang (03 min. 12 sec.) / Brown -- God With Me (03 min. 54 sec.) / Quartel -- The Call (03 min. 21 sec.) / Randall -- Kyrie Eleison (01 min. 57 sec.) / McGlade -- Gloria (02 min. 15 sec.) / McGlade -- Sanctus and Benedictus (02 min. 27 sec.) / McGlade -- Agnus Dei (02 min. 55 sec.) / McGlade -- Ave virgo sanctissima (04 min. 08 sec.) / Summers -- O virtus sapiente (01 min. 58 sec.) / Hildegard of Bingen -- Crux fidelis (05 min. 39 sec.) / MacDonald -- O sacrum convivium (03 min. 07 sec.) / Walker -- Oculi Omnium (01 min. 49 sec.) / Walker -- O lux beata Trinitas (03 min. 44 sec.) / Brown -- O Ye Who Taste That Love Is Sweet (03 min. 23 sec.) / Daley -- Laus Trinitati (01 min. 47 sec.) / Hildegard of Bingen -- Upon Your Heart (04 min. 33 sec.) / Daley -- Ave verum corpus (02 min. 06 sec.) / Martin -- Oratio Dominica: Pater Noster (01 min. 47 sec.) / Jones -- My Guardian Angel (02 min. 39 sec.) / Weir
Naxos Digital Services electronic collection.
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