
ARS BRITANNICA - Old Hall Manuscript, Madrigals and Lute Songs (Pro Cantione Antiqua)
Document Type
Dowland, John, Composer; Wilbye, John, Composer; Morley, Thomas, Composer; Bible, Lyricist; Pilkington, Francis, Composer; Ward, John, Composer; Weelkes, Thomas, Composer; Tomkins, Thomas, Composer; Bible - Old Testament, Lyricist; Forest, John, Composer; Campion, Thomas, Composer; Jones, Robert, Composer; Mass Text, Lyricist; Chirbury, Robert, Composer; Ford, Thomas, Composer; Cooke, John, Composer; Dunstable, John, Composer; Pycard, Composer; Damett, Thomas, Composer; Byrd, William, Composer
Classical Music
Naxos Digital Services electronic collection.
Streaming audio.
Alma proles regina (04 min. 30 sec.) / Cooke -- Crux fidelis (05 min. 50 sec.) / Dunstable -- Qualis est dilectus (attrib. to Plummer) (03 min. 15 sec.) / Forest -- O crux gloriosa (04 min. 37 sec.) / Dunstable -- Gloria II (02 min. 53 sec.) / -- Salve porta paradisi (01 min. 25 sec.) / Damett -- Gaude virgo salutata (05 min. 32 sec.) / Dunstable -- Credo II [British Library MS 57950, "Old Hall Manuscript"] (04 min. 41 sec.) / Dunstable -- Albanus roseo rutilat (06 min. 48 sec.) / Dunstable -- Agnus Dei (02 min. 16 sec.) / Chirbury -- Madrigals to 3, 4, 5 and 6 Voyces: No. 15. Those Sweet Delightful Lilies (02 min. 22 sec.) / Weelkes -- Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for 3 Voices: No. 3. Some Men Desire Spouses (03 min. NaN sec.) / Weelkes -- The First Set of 25 English Madrigals: No. 19. Retire, my troubled soul (03 min. 24 sec.) / Ward -- Madrigals to Four Voices, Book 1: No. 17. Hark Jolly Shepherds (02 min. 04 sec.) / Morley -- Come, woeful Orpheus (05 min. 03 sec.) / Byrd -- Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for 3 Voices: No. 6. Come, Sirrah Jack, Ho (01 min. 21 sec.) / Weelkes -- The First Set of 25 English Madrigals: No. 8. O My Thoughts, Surcease (02 min. 11 sec.) / Ward -- Madrigals to Four Voices, Book 1: No. 18. Die Now, My Heart (03 min. 20 sec.) / Morley -- Songs of 3, 4, 5, and 6 Parts: No. 8. O Let Me Die for True Love (04 min. 41 sec.) / Tomkins -- The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 10. Lady, when I beehold (02 min. 40 sec.) / Wilbye -- Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for 3 Voices: Come, Let's Begin to Revel't Out (02 min. NaN sec.) / Weelkes -- The Second Set of Madrigals: Care for Thy Soul (04 min. 57 sec.) / Pilkington -- The Second Set of Madrigals: XV. As Matchless Beauty (02 min. 55 sec.) / Wilbye -- The First Set of English Madrigals: IV. Weep, O mine eyes (02 min. 23 sec.) / Wilbye -- Canzonets, or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces: No. 16. You Black Bright St (01 min. 39 sec.) / Morley -- Songs of 3, 4, 5, and 6 Parts: Oyez! Has any found a lad? (02 min. 04 sec.) / Tomkins -- The First Booke of Songs or Ayres: Diaphenia like the daffdowndilly (02 min. 29 sec.) / Pilkington -- Ultimum vale, with Triplicity of Musicke: Thinkst thou Kate to Put Me Down (01 min. 59 sec.) / Jones -- The First Booke of Songs or Ayres: Down-a-Down (02 min. 59 sec.) / Pilkington -- A shepherd in a shade (03 min. 09 sec.) / Dowland -- Fine knacks for ladies (02 min. 50 sec.) / Dowland -- Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Where sin sore Wounding (02 min. 35 sec.) / Dowland -- Never Weather-Beaten Sail (02 min. 48 sec.) / Campion -- Jacke and Jone they thinke no ill (02 min. 21 sec.) / Campion -- No. 8. Since First I Saw Your Face (03 min. 09 sec.) / Ford -- No. 9. There Is a Ladie (03 min. 38 sec.) / Ford -- The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires: I Must Complain (03 min. 30 sec.) / Dowland -- Bookes of Ayres, Book 2: A Secret Love (02 min. 08 sec.) / Campion -- Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Sweet, stay awhile, why will you rise? (04 min. 32 sec.) / Dowland -- Mr. Dowland's Midnight, P. 99 (01 min. 45 sec.) / Dowland -- Book of Songs, Book 1: Now, O now I needs must part (04 min. 20 sec.) / Dowland
Cuckston, Alan, Artist -- Pro Cantione Antiqua, Ensemble -- Turner, Bruno, Conductor -- Mitchell, Geoffrey, Conductor -- Wilson, Christopher, Artist -- Partridge, Ian, Conductor -- Hunt, William, Artist -- Griffett, James, Artist -- Anonymous, Lyricist -- Dowland, John, Composer -- Wilbye, John, Composer -- Morley, Thomas, Composer -- Bible, Lyricist -- Pilkington, Francis, Composer -- Ward, John, Composer -- Weelkes, Thomas, Composer -- Tomkins, Thomas, Composer -- Bible - Old Testament, Lyricist -- Forest, John, Composer -- Campion, Thomas, Composer -- Jones, Robert, Composer -- Mass Text, Lyricist -- Chirbury, Robert, Composer -- Ford, Thomas, Composer -- Cooke, John, Composer -- Dunstable, John, Composer -- Pycard, Composer -- Damett, Thomas, Composer -- Byrd, William, Composer