
JEREB: Monography / SZEKELY: Rhapsody / FARKAS, F.: Bucinata / KOCSAR: Rhapsody / VICTOR: Viatrone
Document Type
Jereb, Ervin, Composer; Szekely, Endre, Composer; Farkas, Ferenc, Composer; Kocsar, Miklos, Composer; Dubrovay, László, Composer; Victor, Máté, Composer; Sári, József, Composer; Ranki, Gyorgy, Composer
Classical Music
Track Details: I. — (02 min. 28 sec.) / Jereb -- II. — (02 min. 18 sec.) / Jereb -- III. — (02 min. 41 sec.) / Jereb -- Rhapsody (08 min. 03 sec.) / Szekely -- Bucinata (02 min. 09 sec.) / Farkas -- Rhapsody (09 min. 59 sec.) / Kocsar -- I. Libero (Adagio) (02 min. 22 sec.) / Dubrovay -- II. Lento (02 min. 49 sec.) / Dubrovay -- III. Libero (Lento) - Presto (03 min. 19 sec.) / Dubrovay -- Viatrone (08 min. 56 sec.) / Victor -- Ananta (08 min. 28 sec.) / Sári -- No. 1. A diszgunar szerenadja (The Serenade of the Gander) (02 min. 35 sec.) / Ranki -- No. 2. Felholovaglas (The Ride in the Clouds) (02 min. 02 sec.) / Ranki -- No. 3. Ludak tava (Goose Lake) (02 min. 12 sec.) / Ranki -- No. 4. Libaviadal Ludmillaert - Ludapo szerelmi halala es feltamadasa (Goose-fight for Ludmilla - Father Goose's Death of Love and Resurrection) (03 min. 44 sec.) / Ranki -- No. 5. Es Ludapo ismet repul (And Father Goose Flies Again) (01 min. 50 sec.) / Ranki
Naxos Digital Services electronic collection.
Streaming audio.