
Instrumental Ensemble Music - BRINKMAN, D. / DIBLEY, C. / EDWARDS, B. / GILLIE, G. (Landscapes) (Laursen, Cranson, Waltner)
Document Type
Classical Music
Track Details: Intrada for Joey (04 min. 08 sec.) / Gillie -- I. Weird Scherzo (03 min. 35 sec.) / Dibley -- II. Legato pensive (03 min. 17 sec.) / Dibley -- III. Allegro giocoso (02 min. 44 sec.) / Dibley -- I. … and they're crazy (02 min. 30 sec.) / Edwards -- II. … and they're too cold in winter (03 min. 15 sec.) / Edwards -- III. … and they're too hot in summer (02 min. 52 sec.) / Edwards -- IV. … and they're rather fun to be around (02 min. 49 sec.) / Edwards -- I. Sky Islands (03 min. 15 sec.) / Brinkman -- II. Red Rock Lullaby (02 min. 20 sec.) / Brinkman -- III. On the Rim (02 min. 52 sec.) / Brinkman -- I. Presto (01 min. 34 sec.) / Jacquet de La Guerre -- II. Adagio (01 min. 19 sec.) / Jacquet de La Guerre -- III. Presto (01 min. 46 sec.) / Jacquet de La Guerre -- I. Black Hills (03 min. 31 sec.) / Saglietti -- II. Music in Sioux Falls (01 min. 59 sec.) / Saglietti -- III. Drift Prairie in Winter (06 min. 17 sec.) / Saglietti -- IV. Huron State Fair (03 min. 18 sec.) / Saglietti
Naxos Digital Services electronic collection.
Streaming audio.