
Distributed Aperture Radar Tomographic Sensors (darts) to Map Surface Topography and Vegetation Structure
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Distributed Aperture Radar Tomographic Sensors (DARTS)is a mission concept being studied at the NASA Jet PropulsionLaboratory in collaboration with the California Institute ofTechnology to enable global and repeated imaging of surfacetopography and three-dimensional vegetation structure usingsingle-pass tomographic SAR technique. The observing systemconsists of a distributed formation of multiple small syntheticaperture radar platforms deployed in space with variabledistances to achieve look angle diversity and sensitivityto the vertical distribution of vegetation components. Ourgoal is to identify the optimal system configuration startingfrom documented community needs and mature the criticaltechnologies that lead to a viable implementation of DARTS.Here, we provide an overview of DARTS and describe ourapproach for designing and demonstrating single-pass SARtomographic systems as part of an on-going funded NASA Instrument Incubator Program effort.