
The Use of Tribocharging in the Electrostatic Beneficiation of Lunar Simulant
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Any future lunar base and habitat must be constructed from strong dense materials in order to provide for thermal and radiation protection. Lunar soil may meet this need. Lunar regolith has high concentrations of aluminum, silicon, calcium, iron, sodium, and titanium oxides. Refinement or enrichment of specific minerals in the soil before it is chemically processed may be more desirable as it would reduce the size and energy requirements required to produce the virgin material and it may significantly reduce the process' complexity. Also, investigations into the potential production of breathable oxygen from oxidized mineral components are a major research initiative by NASA. In this study. the objective was to investigate the use of tribocharging to charge lunar simulants and pass them through a parallel plate separator to enrich different mineral fractions. This technique takes advantage of the high Lunar vacuum in which much higher voltages can be used on the separation plates than in air. Additionally, the Lunar g1avity, only being 1/6 that of Earth, allows the particles more separation time between the plates and therefore enhances separation. For the separation studies, two lunar stimulants were used. The first simulant was created in-house, labeled KSC-1. using commercially supplied (sieved to 325 mesh) materials, and was composed of 40 wt. % feldspar ((Na,K,Ca)AlSi3O8;SiO2), 40 wt. % olivine ((Mg,Fe)2SiO4), 10 wt. % ilmenite (FeTiO3). and 10 wt. % spodumene (LiAlSi2O6) (pyroxene). The advantage of the in-house mixture is that the composition can he varied to simulate different soil compositions from different areas on the moon. This simulant was used to show proof-of-concept using the designed separator in air. The second stimulant was JSC-1. used for the vacuum experiments. JSC-1 is principally basalts, containing phases of plagioclase. pyroxene. olivine, and ilmenite. The JSC-1 was sieved to provide a 50-75 micron size range to correlate with the mean grain size found on the moon's surface [1]. Four different materials were investigated for the triboelectrification process; aluminum, copper. stainless steel, and PTFE. These materials were selected because they offer a wide variation in work functions (aluminum 4.28 eV, copper 4.65 eV. stainless steel 5.04 eV, and PTFE 5.75 eV). The difference between the work function of each material and the simulant influences the charge obtained by the grains. Each simulant was analyzed before and after separation using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to determine mineral surface composition. In addition. Raman spectroscopy was performed on the JSC-1 before and after separation in vacuum to determine the mineral composition. Charge-to-mass (Q/M) measurements were performed using a fluidizing bed in air and passing the simulant through a static mixer of a particular material and collecting it in a Faraday pail grounded through an electrometer. To measure the Q/M in vacuum, a special device was constructed consisting of a heater/shaker cup that fed into a solid block of material (either PTFE, copper, or aluminum) in which a channel composed of a "zig-zag" series of inclines greater than 50 degrees has been cut. The voltage to the vibrating motor can be varied to control the amount of simulant passing through the channel. Figure I shows the Q/M measurements for JSC-1 tribocharged using the static mixers and the incline plane chargers in air, and the incline plane chargers in vacuum.