
Mars Dust: Characterization of Particle Size and Electrostatic Charge Distributions
Document Type
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV: Mars: Wind, Dust Sand, and Debris.
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Some of the latest pictures of Mars surface sent by NASA s Spirit rover in early January, 2004, show very cohesive, mud-like dust layers. Significant amounts of dust clouds are present in the atmosphere of Mars. NASA spacecraft missions to Mars confirmed hypotheses from telescopic work that changes observed in the planet s surface markings are caused by wind-driven redistribution of dust. In these dust storms, particles with a wide range of diameters (< 1 m to 50 m) are a serious problem to solar cells, spacecraft, and spacesuits. Dust storms may cover the entire planet for an extended period of time. It is highly probable that the particles are charged electrostatically by triboelectrification and by UV irradiation.