
Electric field measurements of DC and long wavelength structures associated with sporadic-E layers and QP radar echoes
Document Type
Annales Geophysicae: Part of Special Issue "SEEK-2 (Sporadic-E Experiment over Kyushu 2". 23
Electric field and plasma density data gathered on a sounding rocket launched from Uchinoura Space Center, Japan, reveal a complex electrodynamics associated with sporadic-E layers and simultaneous observations of quasiperiodic radar echoes. The electrodynamics are characterized by spatial and temporal variations that differed considerably between the rocket's up-leg and down-leg traversals of the lower ionosphere. Within the main sporadic-E layer (95- 110 km) on the up-leg, the electric fields were variable, with amplitudes of 2 4 mV1m that changed considerably within altitude intervals of 1-3 km. The identification of polarization electric fields coinciding with plasma density enhancements and/or depletions is not readily apparent. Within this region on the down-leg, however, the direction of the electric field revealed a marked change that coincided precisely with the peak of a single, narrow sporadic-E plasma density layer near 102.5 km. This shear was presumably associated with the neutral wind shear responsible for the layer formation. The electric field data above the sporadic-E layer on the upleg, from 110 km to the rocket apogee of 152 km, revealed a continuous train of distinct, large scale, quasi-periodic structures with wavelengths of 10-15 km and wavevectors oriented between the NE-SW quadrants. The electric field structures had typical amplitudes of 3-5 mV/m with one excursion to 9mV/m, and in a very general sense, were associated with perturbations in the plasma density. The electric field waveforms showed evidence for steepening and/or convergence effects and presumably had mapped upwards along the magnetic field from the sporadic-E region below.