
Characterizing the Architectures, Diversity and Habitability of Nearby Planetary Systems: The HabEx Observatory
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Ongoing research, upcoming developments in ground-based facilities, and the launch of new space missions (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite [TESS], James Webb Space Telescope [JWST], and Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope [WFIRST]) will continue to advance knowledge of the variety and nature of exoplanetary system components over the next decade and a half. However, many key questions will remain: What is the architecture and full diversity of mature planetary systems? What is the linkage between individual planet properties, planetary system architectures and circumstellar dust structures? How diverse are planetary atmospheres over the full range of planet sizes and stellar insulation levels? Are there Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zone (HZ) of nearby sunlike stars, with water vapor in their atmospheres, evidence for surface oceans and signs of life? Are these signs of life really of biotic origin? Answering all of these questions requires direct imaging and spectroscopy from space in reflected light and/or thermal emission. We exclusively discuss reflected light (near ultraviolet [UV] to near infrared [IR]) investigations, identifying some of the observational, technological, and theoretical challenges that must be met to accomplish such a feat. This paper concentrates on one possible implementation strategy currently under study: the HabEx (Habitable Exoplanet) Observatory mission concept.