
An interactive adaptive remeshing algorithm for the two-dimensional Euler equations
Document Type
Computer Programming And Software
An interactive adaptive remeshing algorithm utilizing a frontal grid generator and a variety of time integration schemes for the two-dimensional Euler equations on unstructured meshes is presented. Several device dependent interactive graphics interfaces have been developed along with a device independent DI-3000 interface which can be employed on any computer that has the supporting software including the Cray-2 supercomputers Voyager and Navier. The time integration methods available include: an explicit four stage Runge-Kutta and a fully implicit LU decomposition. A cell-centered finite volume upwind scheme utilizing Roe's approximate Riemann solver is developed. To obtain higher order accurate results a monotone linear reconstruction procedure proposed by Barth is utilized. Results for flow over a transonic circular arc and flow through a supersonic nozzle are examined.