
Retrieval and Analysis of Stratospheric NO2 from GOME
Document Type
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
In this paper we describe the retrieval of stratospheric NO2 from the GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) spectrometer. For this retrieval the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) is used and we describe the influence of the instrument s characteristics on this measurement technique. This analysis led to an improved version of the DOAS algorithm resulting in results with lower systematic errors. Subsequently these results were used to separate the tropospheric and stratospheric fraction of the measured NO;! in the atmosphere. This paper is focusing on the annual variations of the stratospheric distribution of nitrogen oxides. For this examination the satellite data from beginning of 1996 to the end of 2001 was used and has been visualized in a plot zonal means versus time of the year, a visualization which proved to be very useful for Ozone. Additionally the so called "Noxon Cliff", a drop of NO2 column densities Noxon measured in 1975-77 while traveling northwards towards the pole in Canada, is shown. Also its southern equivalent could be discovered in the GOME data.