
Impact Delivery of Reduced Greenhouse Gases on Early MARS
Document Type
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
While there is abundant evidence for flowing liquid water on the ancient Martian surface, a widely accepted greenhouse mechanism for explaining this in the presence of a faint young sun has yet to emerge. Gases such as NH3, CO2 alone, SO2, clouds, and CH4, have sustainability issues or limited greenhouse power. Recently, Ramirez et al. proposed that CO2-H2 atmospheres, through collision induced absorptions (CIA), could solve the problem if large amounts are present (1.3-4 bars of CO2, 50-20% H2). However, they had to estimate the strength of the H2- CO2 interaction from the measured strength of the H2- N2 interaction. Recent ab initio calculations show that the strength of CO2-H2 CIA is greater than Ramirez et al. assumed. Wordsworth et al. also calculated the absorption coefficients for CO2-CH4 CIA and show that on early Mars a 0.5 bar CO2 atmosphere with percent levels of H2 or CH4 can raise mean annual temperatures by tens of degrees Kelvin. Freezing temperatures can be reached in atmospheres containing 1-2 bars of CO2 and 2-10% H2 and CH4. The new work demonstrates that less CO2 and reduced gases are needed than Ramirez et al. originally proposed, which improves prospects for their hypothesis. If thick weakly reducing atmospheres are the solution to the faint young sun paradox, then plausible mechanisms must be found to generate and sustain the required concentrations of H2 and CH4. Possible sources of reducing gases include volcanic outgassing, serpentinization, and impact delivery; sinks include photolysis, oxidation, and hydrogen escape. The viability of the reduced greenhouse hypothesis depends, therefore, on the strength of these sources and sinks.