
Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
Document Type
Space Sciences (General)
Turbulence is fundamentally a multiscale phenomena, with energy, mass, and momentum being transported across both spatial and temporal scales. In a magnetized collisionless plasma, there are unresolved questions about the structure of the turbulent transfer of energy, as well as how the energy is extracted from the cascade and dissipated as heat in the constituent charged particles. The plasma in the solar wind acts as an accessible natural laboratory to study these processes, and much progress has indeed been made since the dawn of the space age in understanding turbulence via in situ observations of turbulent plasmas near Earth. However, to date, these observations have been limited to a single, or at best, a tight cluster of points, leading to ambiguities in at what scales energy is contained, how it is transported, and by what mechanism it is dissipated. In this presentation, we describe a heliophysics mission concept aimed at understanding turbulence that is enabled by a swarm of small satellites. The proposed "HelioSwarm" mission will measure turbulent fields and flows and charged particles simultaneously at many points spanning size and time scales from the fluid to sub-ion regime. In doing so, we will be able to disentangle how the turbulence depends on time and space, directly observe the change in internal energy in the plasma, and definitively capture the dynamic relation between turbulence and structures. While the processes under examination are universal, arising throughout our solar system and universe, they are difficult to reproduce in either terrestrial laboratories or numerical simulations, meaning that the only a multipoint observatory in the near-Earth heliosphere will be able to study them in sufficient detail to discern the underlying physics. In this talk, we highlight the enabling role that small satellites play in providing closure on these long-standing but critically important science questions.