
In-Space Propulsion Program Overview and Status
Document Type
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
NASA's In-Space Propulsion (ISP) Program is designed to develop advanced propulsion technologies that can enable or greatly enhance near and mid-term NASA science missions by significantly reducing cost, mass, and/or travel times. These technologies include: Solar Electric Propulsion, Aerocapture, Solar Sails, Momentum Exchange Tethers, Plasma Sails and other technologies such as Advanced Chemical Propulsion. The ISP Program intends to develop cost-effective propulsion technologies that will provide a broad spectrum of mission possibilities, enabling NASA to send vehicles on longer, more useful voyages and in many cases to destinations that were previously unreachable using conventional means. The ISP approach to identifying and prioritizing these most promising technologies is to use mission and system analysis and subsequent peer review. The ISP program seeks to develop technologies under consideration to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) -6 for incorporation into mission planning within 3-5 years of initiation. The NASA TRL 6 represents a level where a technology is ready for system level demonstration in a relevant environment, usually a space environment. In addition, maximum use of open competition is encouraged to seek optimum solutions under ISP. Several NASA Research Announcements (NRA's) have been released asking industry, academia and other organizations to propose propulsion technologies designed to improve our ability to conduct scientific study of the outer planets and beyond. The ISP Program is managed by NASA Headquarters Office of Space Science and implemented by the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.